Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Second Photographer

When one photographer is just not enough... have two.

More importantly than receiving additional images from your event, having a second photographer there will capture images from a different perspective than the primary photographer. This option allows you to receive many unique images from your event.

Contact us for details.

Monday, April 6, 2015

When it all started

I am often asked "when did you know you wanted to be a Photographer?" The answer is I remember when I was 12 years old my parents bought me my first camera and it all began from that point in my life.

One of the first cameras I owned was a Polaroid Swinger and when I saw this print ad it brought back great memories. The price of the camera was only $19.95 and I remember the Polaroid film was so expensive. This camera allowed me to see the image almost instantly, which was new back then. Today with the use of digital cameras we take that for granted. It was a fun camera back then and it brings back great memories each time I hold it in my hands.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Can we say "Thank You" too much?

Can we say "Thank You" too much? We don't think so!

We have a Referral Program that many of our clients enjoy and we want to remind everybody about it. To show our appreciation, when you refer someone to us and they use our services, we will send them AND you a gift card.